Maxim Constantinov
Dentist. Specialization: orthopedics, therapy

Graduate of the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “N. Testemițanu”
Over 14 years of experience in the dental field.
Qualifications and experience
For the past 5 years, he has been actively using dental binocular loupes or a microscope in his daily practice to focus on even the smallest details in the reconstruction of the integrity and functionality of teeth.
He specializes in the restoration of teeth with significant damage, using digital impressions to create inlays or full-ceramic crowns based on the gnathological concept, which are abrasion-resistant over time while preserving the functionality of each individual tooth and the entire stomatognathic system.
Dr. Constantinov Maxim warmly welcomes you to the DentaVita dental clinic to provide you with the highest quality dental treatment you need!