Extraction of Wisdom Teeth
Is extraction required?
Many patients ask: “Should a wisdom tooth be extracted if it does not hurt?” A dentist can answer upon examination only. Surgical procedure is indicated to remove wisdom teeth in the following causes:
- Atypical position of the wisdom tooth
- Orthodontic indications
- Carious damage to the wisdom tooth
- Pericoronaritis
- Prevention of other inflammatory processes.

Extraction of wisdom teeth:
How is the surgery going?
Wisdom teeth are extracted under local anesthesia. The surgery can be conducted only by a specialist experienced in surgical dentistry, such specialists work at Denta Vita.
Before wisdom teeth extraction, the surgeon examines the computer tomogram to choose the optimal operating protocol.
The modern equipment at Denta Vita clinic (piezotom, physiological dispenser, centrifuge for PRF and APTF preparation) allows the surgery to be conducted painlessly.
Rehabilitation and healing period
Depending on the surgical procedure complexity, the postoperative period can last up to 7-10 days, including a course of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial treatment, dressing and suture removal.
Therefore, if you want to prevent wisdom teeth related problems, contact the doctor to determine the cause and treatment protocol. Call and sign up for a consultation with Denta Vita specialists.
We always use an individual approach to each patient’s problems, so we can say confidently that we know how to help you avoid pain and further deterioration in dental health due to the wisdom teeth erupting problems.