Maria Suhan
Dentist. Specialization: Orthodontics

Graduated from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N. Testemițanu”
Over 15 years of experience in orthodontics
Lead orthodontist at the clinic DentaVita
Qualifications and experience
Since 2023, she has been undergoing training in Vienna with @viesid_education (Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry)
Completed the VieSid Basic Curriculum, executive lecturer Daniele Togni
Currently attending the Orthodontic Continuum course with Dr. Miguel Assis and Dr. Alejandra Londono
Handles complex clinical cases with a gnathological aspect
Experience with the Damon System since 2010
Since 2013 the official and exclusive distributor of Ormco in Moldova (@ormco_moldova)
Conducts training seminars for orthodontists on working with the Damon System in Moldova and abroad
Lecturer for Ormco
Assistant at the Department of Orthodontics at USMF N.Testemițanu, Chișinău
Organizer of the educational project for orthodontists in Moldova, Ortho-Study